Monday, February 9, 2009


No, no... not THAT kind of swinging.

Whenever I've mentioned BabyB's mid-day fussy period every parent has asked me if I put her in a swing. They are shocked when I inform them I don't have a swing for them. They have all sworn that it is a MUST. When J went back to work, I quickly became exhausted and frustrated with only being able to hold one baby at a time. So on J's first day off, we headed out to do some shopping.

We discovered that swings don't come cheap. The ones we saw (at four different stores) ranged from $99 to $179. That's a little steep for something that will only hold them for a few more short months. So my next step was checking out craigslist. And I SCORED! I found one in perfectly good condition listed at $25 and I managed to get it for $20. Who knew I could negotiate!?

The best part is not the price, the best part is that it DOES calm BabyB (most of the time). She absolutely LOVES that thing and that means I love it too! At this point anything that helps is a God-send!

So if you're a new mommy, get yourself a swing - STAT!


~Just Me Miranda~ said...

Absolutely nothing wrong with second hand. Those swings are the best invention. Best invention ever for fussy babies.

anna said...

Yeah, but I've noticed that if she's really fussing then nothing seems to calm her - not even the swing.